Monday, February 14, 2011

Poem - Towers in the Ocean

Towers in the Ocean
By Phil Turner

Created at the beginning of time itself
Never moving but full of life
Silent sentinels that tower above me

At war with the ocean
Their battles are violent
Often scarred and crippled but forever defiant

Ghostly shadows silhouetted during the night
They grey, then turn gold
As the sun is born from the eastern ocean

Giving flight to the eagle who rides their thermals
And life to the swallows that nest in their hollows
But unforgiving to those who climb their heights

In their presence I lie and they give warmth
In their alcoves I hide and they give me shelter
I stand in their aura and they touch my soul

Their ancient spirits entangle my mind
For when I am with them I feel their being
Never moving but full of life - Towers in the Ocean.


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