Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Winter Fishing Ocean

Winter Rock Fishing 
The constant large swells (1.5 – 2m) that have run in from the south most of winter can cause a rethink when rock fishing. The rocks are a place to avoid when these swells are around, but if you look for the right locations that are protected from these swells then fish can be obtained.

A typical location: - a north facing place where the swell is avoided and plenty of wash is created by the swell pounding onto a point to the east. The added advantage is the SW wind is behind you and this increases your cast distance.

In this location the use of 40 and 60 gram metal lures were used to cast out beyond the wash, allowed to sink and then retrieved from a depth back through the wash. This method produced tailor up to 1.5 kg. These fish are sitting at the edge of the wash and constantly moving in and out to attack any baitfish hiding in the white water. Tailor will hang around until the sun starts to get high in the sky. The best times to fish for these fish are mornings up to around 10.0am and late afternoons.

A typical catch at 9.30 am on a July morning .

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